
Monday, May 1, 2017

                             Whanaungatanga is a circle of trust which you belong to. You are protected by people who love you as long as you love them too.


  1. Hey Justice,

    This is Jade C from the Summer Learning Journey blogging team! I will also be reading and commenting on your blog over the summer.

    This is such a nice drawing of Whanaugatanga, a circle of trust which you belong to. I like your sentence "You are protected by people who love you as long as you love them too" :)

    I would love you to join the Summer Learning Journey team and have fun with all the SLJ bloggers in your school and other schools all over New Zealand. There are multifarious activities that you can choose from and you can do them in any order you like!

    This is the link to the activities page

    All the best,
    Jade C.
